Internet Explorer :
1. Go to Tools from the top menu
2. Select Internet Options
3. Click on the Security tab
4. Click Custom Level
5. Scroll down until you see the Scripting section
6. Ensure that the Active Scripting option is set at Enabled
7. Click OK
Mozilla Firefox :
1. Go to Tools from the top menu
2. Select Options
3. Click on the Content button
4. Ensure that the Enable JavaScript option is checked
5. Click OK
Netscape Navigator :
1. Go to Edit from the top menu
2. Select Preferences
3. Select Advanced
4. Select Scripts & Plugins
5. Check the Enable JavaScript checkbox
6. Click OK
Apple Safari :
1. Go to Safari from the top menu
2. Select Preferences
3. Select Security
4. Ensure that the Enable JavaScript option is checked
5. Click OK